2008 Can-Am Outlander MAX 800 Ltd. ATV
Welcome to the world of luxury ATVing! Loaded with performance and premium features, the 2008 Can-Am Outlander MAX 800 Ltd. ATV comes with everything you’ll ever need. New for 2008, the Outlander MAX 800’s calibration improves fuel consumption by 11% and its Visco-Lok features a new, quicker engagement. Tame the trails with a Rotax 800 H.O. EFI V-Twin engine and a strong, lightweight, Surrounding Spar Technology (SSTTM) frame. This Can-Am limited edition ATV features special polished cast aluminum rims with painted highlights, metallic steel grey pain and an Integrated Garmin Color Quest GPS receiver. Base price of $11,599. Bombardier.
欢迎世界各地的豪华atving !装有性能和高级功能,可以在2008年-上午欧蓝德最高800有限公司,亚视来的一切,您最需要的。新的2008年,欧蓝德的最高800的校准,提高燃料消耗的11 %和其粘乐的特点一个新的,更快的接触。驯服步道与rotax 800 h.o.电喷V型双引擎和一个强大,重量轻,周围的SPAR公司技术( ssttm )框架。这可以-上午限量版亚视的特点,特别抛光铸造铝轮辋与画的重点,金属钢灰色的痛苦和一个综合高明的颜色,追求GPS接收机。基地价格11599美元。庞巴迪公司。