2008 Kawasaki Brute Force 750 4X4i ATV
Fuel injected and better than ever, the 2008 Kawasaki Brute Force 750 4X4i ATV hits the all-terrain circuit running. With its awe-inspiring V-twin engine gaining a digital fuel injection system and the chassis receiving a host of updates, the Brute Force 750 is built for the adventure enthusiast in mind. For 2008, Kawasaki also revised suspension settings, new seat urethane, increased sealed storage, new bumper design, polished wheels, lighter aluminum footpegs and stronger axle boots to this ATV. Add to that increased ride comfort, thanks to dual-rate springs for the front and rear suspension, and its easy to see the Brute Force 750 as an early favorite for 2008. MSRP is $7,799-$8,549. Kawasaki.
燃料注入和更好的比以往任何时候都, 2008年川崎野蛮武力750 4x4i亚视打各种地形的电路运行。其惊人的鼓舞人心的V型双引擎获得了数字燃油喷射系统和底盘接收主机的更新,野蛮武力750是建立在为探险爱好者在铭记。 2008年,川崎,还修订了暂停设置,新的席位氨酯,增加密封储存,新的保险杠设计,抛光车轮,打火机铝footpegs和更强的车轴靴,这亚视。添加到增加乘坐舒适性,由于双速率温泉为前方和后方,暂时停工,而其容易看到强权的750作为早期最喜爱的2008年。建议零售价是七千七百九十九美元-八五四九美元。川崎。