2008 Honda FourTrax Foreman 4X4 ES ATV
Ready to handle anything thrown in its way, the 2008 Honda FourTrax Foreman 4X4 ES ATV takes performance to new levels with its revolutionary Electric Power Steering system. Powered by a 475cc, air-cooled, OHV longitudinally mounted, single-cylinder four-stroke engine, the FourTrax Foreman 4X4 ES makes work seem less taxing. Featuring ESP five-speed transmission with reverse, rear suspension swingarm with dual shocks, dual hydraulic front brakes and single hydraulic disc rear brakes, this Honda ATV is available is Olive, White, Red and Camo. Base price of $7,049. Honda.
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随时准备处理任何扔在其方式, 2008年本田fourtrax工头4x4部亚视需要性能提高到新的水平,与革命电动助力转向系统。动力由一个475cc ,风冷式, ohv纵向展开,单汽缸4冲程发动机, fourtrax工头4x4部,使工作似乎少征税。采用电除尘器5高速传输与扭转,后悬架swingarm具有双重国籍的冲击,双液压前制动器和单体液压支柱光盘后方刹车,这是本田亚视现有的橄榄树,白,红和camo 。基地价格七千○四十九美元。本田。