"I think it is a simple fact," Brad Tilson told us, "that when a family is involved with the passion of customizing vehicles, you'll always have a great outcome." This is especially true when the family members are professionals! Brad's dad Gene builds transmissions for a living and put Brad's tranny together with a slew of Goerend parts. Brad's brother-in-law Keith Wampler paints for a living, and he gave the truck an awesome paintjob.
Farmboys Diesel injectors are said to boost power output by 240 hp while the ATS Aurora 4000 64/71/14 turbo contributes its fair share. A 4-inch downpipe with a 5-inch stainless steel straight pipe ends up dumped over the axles with a 7-inch Silverline tip. Controlling all this brutal horsepower is a Quadzilla Adrenaline with a pulse V2 monitor.
As stated previously, the transmission is loaded up with Goerend parts, starting with a Goerend master overhaul kit. A billet input shaft, shift kit, high-psi valvebody, and deep fluid pan were also added—all Goerend parts, too!
Brad likes to run the truck on the quarter-mile, do burnouts, and attend truck shows and dyno events.
“这是一个不争的事实,”Brad Tilson跟我们说,“如果你的家人对汽车都很有兴趣的话,那么你通常能够拥有非常不错的座驾,尤其是当他们还都是专业人士的时候,那你玩车的生活一定会非常丰富。”Brad的父亲Gene在一家变速器制造厂打工谋生,而他的妻弟Keith Wampler则是喷涂作业工人,有这两位专业人士的帮忙,Brad的爱车得到了专业的照顾。
但仅仅拥有新的涂装和给力的变速箱远远不能完全满足这辆2002款道奇Ram2500的要求,5.9升的康明斯发动机预计能够达到474马力和1131Nm的功率输出,才是这辆四驱长轴版皮卡的重点升级的部分。自制的3英寸进气管路和K&N空滤保证了空气的清洁,Farmboys Diesel喷油嘴带来了更加高效的工作状态。
对于行车高度,Brad并没有太多的要求仅仅是换了一套2.5英寸的套件并且保留了原厂的避震器,除此之外加入了额外的转向稳定杆来保持转向系统的强度。18英寸的Helo Maxx 8轮圈和Mickey Thompson Baja ATZ轮胎虽然尺寸不够出众,但在这辆Ram皮卡上则是非常的搭调。