K8000越野电动绞盘 G9000越野电动绞盘 N12000专业电动绞盘 N15000工业电动绞盘 H12000工业液压绞盘 H15000工业液压绞盘 K5000P便携式电动绞盘
K8000 越野绞盘 G9000 4WD绞盘 N12000 专业绞盘 N15000 救援绞盘 H12000 工业绞盘 H15000 工业绞盘 K5000P 便携式绞盘


热度775票 时间:2011年5月09日 20:42
拓松汽车户外网 -rMs6g}C-F.E


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1、Check all your fluids -coolant/anit-freeze, oil, windshield washer fluid, brake fluid, ATF, differentials, etc. Make sure there are no leaks, everything is at the proper level, and carry extra fluids just in case. Also, this should go without saying, but we’ll say it anyway: If you know of any mechanical or electrical problems with your rig, repair them first. There’s no excuse for off-roading with a worn U-joint or an intermittent short in the ignition. By the way, check you air filer, too.

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2、Check your shock absorbers for signs of leakage or damage.拓松汽车户外网 -)TWSyQ*q],p f

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3、Check you tires for pressures and condition, including the spare. Make sure the tread is appropriate for the terrain you will be traveling.

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4、Jack up the front of your rig and make a quick check of all ball joints, tie rods ends and wheel bearings. Grab the tire by the and at the top and bottom, and check for any excess movement by rocking the wheel in and out. Do the same by rocking the tire side to side. Any excessive free play should be checked out by a qualified mechanic. Do the same at the rear

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5、Plan you trip! File a “flight plan.” Let someone know where you are, when you are leaving and when you’ll be back. Let then know when they should start to worry if they haven’t heard from you, and whom to contact. You should have a map of where you are going, and so should someone staying behind.


\DS[O*?"F06、Check the weather forecast. Bring appropriate clothing and protective gear (hats, sunglasses, lip balm, sunscreen). Pack extra clothing in case you get wet or it gets a little colder than expected. If there’s room, throw in at lease one sleeping bag (preferable one for each member of your party), even if you don’t plan to spend the night.

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7、Pack a roll of toilet paper in a zip-top plastic bag and put it behind the sear right now. I promise you that someday you’ll thank yourself拓松汽车户外网 -+J'AGK1c(fave

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8、Pack a fully charged cell phone and car adapter, if you have one. You’d be amazed where you may find a signal. You may have to climb a tree or hike to the top of the ridge, but that could mean the difference between spending the night in you own bed or your rig.

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9、If you have a GPS, don’t forget it! If you don’t buy one. There are reasonably inexpensive, hand-held units that are easy to operate. This could be the best money you ever spend, should a real emergency arise. Bring spare batteries in a zip-top baggie and a car adapter, if so equipped.


0X(j,K9j3`'?$]d3T2x010、If you can, get a pair of handheld family radio service (FRS) walkie-talkies. Just like the GPS, they are common today and are reasonably inexpensive. In case you need to temporarily split up the party: (in search of a cell signal, for instance) you do no want to be out of touch, even if you are out of sight. And don’t separate beyond the range.


W ]6mlB/vxW011、Bring something to eat and drink. Even if it’s only a short trip, bring something. Sports drinks, bottled water, energy bars, and dried fruit are good ideas. Items that don’t need to be refrigerated are best. Avoid salty foods, unless you have lot’s to drink. If things go awry, it’s easier to think clearly if you have a little something in you stomach. And never travel without a cooler, even if space is at a premium.

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12、Fill the gas tank on every trip. It’s amazing how many people forget to do this. Always remember the One-Third/Two-Third Rule: Only use one-third of a tank to get where you are going and save two-thirds for getting out, unless you know there’s fuel at your destination. If you fuel tank doesn’t have the capacity, carry extra fuel or re-think your route.

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13、Always carry your extra fuel outside the vehicle. Fuel containers have vents, and not only are gasoline fumes explosive, they are toxic拓松汽车户外网 -j@Oa0`.x3z#H p

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14、Step up and buy good jumper cables with heavy-gauge wire and quality connectors.拓松汽车户外网 -oB0b5O:c ]

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15、Bring a tow strap.

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16、Check all belts and hoses, and carry spares. The lower radiator hose is the one that usually gets damaged while off-roading, so ensure that you have a spare. Alternator/water-pump belts are the most important. Newer vehicles often use serpentine belts. While much less prone to failure, they can be pains to change. The are also expensive, but carry one if you can afford it.拓松汽车户外网 -HR ei,| BEx c&L

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17、Make sure you have a working jack and know how to use it.

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aF)RRMIg018、If you have room, carry a second spare wheel and tire. Nothing is worse than getting a second flat tire on the same trip.拓松汽车户外网 - vx8L&hvVe

/gOL.H'E|f8?019、Check the weather forecast. If there is even the remote possibility of snow, or if you will be at high altitude, carry tire chains for all four wheels and know how to install them. Don’t forget the chain tensioners, which look like big rubber bands with hooks. Remember that the chain tensioners will deteriorate over time, so check them periodically for cracks and splits.

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'H-[ef/O020、Carry a tool kit (see other list)

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21、Carry a first-add kit.拓松汽车户外网 -{o OM2u7ks#AG0C

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22、Carry an emergency kit (see other list)拓松汽车户外网 -`4C R%Slt4o!J+B

`"y]l7Iz7D1C023、Carry a flashlight and an extra set of fresh batteries

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24、Brink a few scraps of plywood, about 10 to 12 inches square. You may need them to support your jack if you have to change a tire on the uneven ground.

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25、Make sure you headlights, taillights, and brake lights all work. It’s a good idea to carry spare bulbs.拓松汽车户外网 -:e c)SV1nT:U3Y

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消防救援绞盘 - Fire & Rescue Winches