K8000越野电动绞盘 G9000越野电动绞盘 N12000专业电动绞盘 N15000工业电动绞盘 H12000工业液压绞盘 H15000工业液压绞盘 K5000P便携式电动绞盘
K8000 越野绞盘 G9000 4WD绞盘 N12000 专业绞盘 N15000 救援绞盘 H12000 工业绞盘 H15000 工业绞盘 K5000P 便携式绞盘


热度504票  浏览26次 时间:2011年5月06日 19:32
拓松汽车户外网 -XkF$v4t pa7E

新闻发布拓松汽车户外网 -6pDF.]yi9^1}$u b

&v6Z ?k?.Sg ]%\h0联系人:

+@Is'^ZXt0 拓松汽车户外网 -]W5QHQ3Z R2}


1Kw Z(\t$Fl0

NO}5H5f4kH9`"c0警告工业公司拓松汽车户外网 -a)e5cM:ri7M X3R

拓松汽车户外网 - Z~ kK"oo

( 503 ) 786-4424

9I m%@(}Q*mVv1sZ0

P B+ue2C.p?H9W0lilienthala@warn.com

V[Xnm{J0 拓松汽车户外网 -*sp.Bl)TN


)R.Z!_c^:} iM0 拓松汽车户外网 -bE$|K.}rd(D6p

多用途高性能工具拓松汽车户外网 -CS D1@9d_PI

拓松汽车户外网 -9~CU/U7f }%ME


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Clackamas ,或( 9/13/06 ) -警告产业已被认为是世界领先的绞车技术。当我们的顾客告诉我们,他们想要一个多功能的工具,可提供一个高性能和强大的董事会空气压缩机和一个传奇警告®绞车,我们倾听。拓松汽车户外网 -;xP up VP.N


V3Tx C~S` ^9} o.z0 拓松汽车户外网 -&ta5f!{h:PV

引入了新的警告动力" -一个正在申请专利的多用途工具,功能的能力,既是一种优质空气压缩机和一个顶级的在线绞车。这是最终的性能和功能。

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x*nOlp0汤姆贾科米尼总统警告工业公司说, “警告始终是与四轮驱动社会发展的产品,以满足发烧友和商人。该产品是在与最终用户和一组选定的顶端警告工程师。其结果是一个板上,车载式空气压缩机的绞车。该电站是一个patentpending ,世界一流的多功能工具,以满足不同的需求。我们非常兴奋,使这个产品为我们的客户,并根据从我们的初步反应,我们希望这是一个巨大的成功的行业。 “拓松汽车户外网 - r3`%Kj?INZ

拓松汽车户外网 -K{!W4B2{5U"^&J

在空气压缩机模式,电厂是一个强大的,综合的制度执行和超越其他空气压缩机,由于业界领先的功能,如大规模的4.6马力的电动机; 一个内置的中间,以减少空气温度;和高气流评级公司CFM 12时0磅,5 公司CFM 90磅。该单位还高,低压开关调节的高效率运作,并热传感器来监测发动机的温度,并最大限度地电机寿命。

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当呼吁作为一个绞车,动力答案的功能您期望从一个警告产品: 3级行星geartrain一个根第二汽车;一个新的接触器的设计,需要较少的电流消耗,提高可靠性;和自动负载持有有效的制动绞车运行和积极的运营商的反馈意见。拓松汽车户外网 -+P%eZ woX'eypd

拓松汽车户外网 -4? P$p3me

该电站有两种配置: 9500磅高性能(惠普)的爱好者的需求谁的速度快线和12000磅的高关税( HD )的长期运动的占空比。拓松汽车户外网 -u_ZQY,U



I0nLU+_awR5p0新的警告动力-最佳组合技术,性能和耐久性。拓松汽车户外网 -!ST$L?l

B `Nh+opJW0Zx8rl*f0

;v,^ e'N'J+fU6G0

J ]p]XErl*j F0双动力武力惠普(PowerPlant Dual Force HP)

\*lIKc4{ k&l0

t VT1r5L qc|0气流评价: 12个公司CFM 0磅, 5公司CFM 90磅

1Z;Y'i`7gYO0 拓松汽车户外网 -8rXC+xan

最高空气压力: 100磅拓松汽车户外网 - HwF-M_)C+N

7W7n'Y/`{0额定拉力: 9500磅。 (单线)拓松汽车户外网 -uMB_+u@+a!D j%Im

拓松汽车户外网 -[6y%t{e7F7B.o3U

汽车:期刊创面4.6马力的12V的拓松汽车户外网 -g oJ2O(We`

拓松汽车户外网 -Uux]9hf



![u |;n"Gg3zI}BT&}0体重: 100磅。

ZiC@.@{6`,C(rv0 拓松汽车户外网 -R*l0no7X

钢丝绳: 125 ' 5 / 16 “

+k6rU$Z&c2Az0 拓松汽车户外网 -|0l(J%@^@tsA

Fairlead :轧辊拓松汽车户外网 -6y Lc6yD|#ac+r+f@f:J

拓松汽车户外网 - Dt[&}+H0R

线速度: 26.9 fpm (空载)

4@Z+^L@4h0 拓松汽车户外网 -5zsP;U"T#y/k

5.2 fpm ( 9,500磅)


;^2L$SmQ[ r'n0双动力武力高清(PowerPlant Dual Force HD)


/Y {T\hX,_ Y0气流评价: 12个公司CFM 0磅, 5公司CFM 90磅拓松汽车户外网 -,?&kk{,U O)se3E

%dynL4X!W2I0最高空气压力: 100磅

:k?? KI0 拓松汽车户外网 -Ft u)[nrAJ+c%`

额定拉力:一点二?万磅。 (单线)拓松汽车户外网 -+Z&j UeL%} sD-Vw

^!dE*GO/Lq-m*W0汽车:期刊创面4.6马力的12V的拓松汽车户外网 -3L}g{]%wk/n6}

i%bJkj$x5p0P0离合器:滑动齿圈拓松汽车户外网 -)m{1WB`nbb$y

拓松汽车户外网 -KAu1~V'P ^ QF

体重: 100磅。拓松汽车户外网 -)u$E}Q!}4v)TL

vv/[fxU0钢丝绳: 80 '的3 / 8 “

;i m$t [5ge jVp(vw0 拓松汽车户外网 -+]t {%|(X.^W2F$Z

Fairlead :轧辊


P6MS#o$[0线速度: 16.2 fpm (空载)

a-F U:w G-r0 拓松汽车户外网 -M{v@`)pu9g

4.2 fpm 。 ( 12,000磅。 )拓松汽车户外网 - i0O$Sw p1^2P

tap)O.p7S9N&c%QJ0注:PowerPlant Dual Force系列有两个产品,HP和HD,两款产品使用了同一个设计,包括电机参数和气泵参数,不过由于定位的拉?不同,HD使用了更粗的钢缆提供更大的拉力,但同时只获得相对较慢的回绳速度。拓松汽车户外网 -4_+A4s}3o0t.K.r ~]

j e*w$h-~r]0关于警告产业拓松汽车户外网 -e'IRmux"J.pl

拓松汽车户外网 -I;tmW+jx,i7_g }


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Press Release

-R"E!C3rI;||h_#c0 拓松汽车户外网 -C [dk&C9s


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Andy Lilienthal


gw*K X+|'K3`0Warn Industries, Inc.

M3}8n2wv2f$P B#Do0 拓松汽车户外网 -#^8zQo1n$V;`|:U

(503) 786-4424拓松汽车户外网 -#DI3lj"J!hS:I?

M0r1qmy+H EK2J0lilienthala@warn.com


H)z{o4fw0PowerPlant Dual Force Vehicle-Mounted


#K xd p5^0Multi-Purpose Performance Tool

$V7e(]~4bdl0s~0 拓松汽车户外网 -yyAVeK)GI

Gives you compressed air and pulling power ? all in one unit拓松汽车户外网 - `j] a6V6w)H#Hj

拓松汽车户外网 -%mp UW S(D

Clackamas, OR (9/13/06) - Warn Industries has been acknowledged as the world leader in winch technology. When our customers told us they wanted a versatile tool that could provide a highperformance and robust on-board air compressor and a legendary WARN® winch, we listened.

,|%c+X#v'w&?8^0 拓松汽车户外网 -o8l5cSTi {S7`V

In response, we have designed a state-of-the-art air compressor and combined it with our legendary winch engineering capability to create a new and versatile, self-contained, vehicle-mounted unit to give you the ultimate multi-tool for your truck or SUV!


YfEPpN&s0Introducing the new WARN PowerPlant" ? a patent-pending multi-purpose tool that features the capabilities of both a premium air compressor and a top-of-the line winch. It’s the ultimate combination of performance and function.

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5W1a,E7gdlpR/hMy0Tom Giacomini, President of Warn Industries, Inc. said, “WARN is always working with the four-wheel drive community to develop products to meet the needs of the enthusiast and the tradesman. This product was developed in conjunction with end users and a select group of top WARN engineers. The result is an on-board, vehicle-mounted air compressor with a winch. The PowerPlant is a patentpending, world-class multi-function tool to meet a variety of needs. We are extremely excited to bring this product to our customers, and based off of our initial response, we expect this to be a huge success in the industry.”拓松汽车户外网 -Pr_1Y&Q

拓松汽车户外网 -,Z L ph0G ^u~

In air compressor mode, PowerPlant is a robust, integrated system that performs above and beyond other air compressors, thanks to industry-leading features such as a massive 4.6 horsepower motor;a built-in intercooler to reduce air temperature; and a high airflow rating of 12 cfm at 0 psi, and 5 cfm at 90 psi. The unit also has high and low pressure regulating switches for efficient operation, and a thermal sensor to monitor motor temperature and to maximize motor life.拓松汽车户外网 -+b'mk8@kE"K%X mP#E

拓松汽车户外网 -.d_ F$?] H H

When called upon as a winch, PowerPlant answers with the features you would expect from a WARN product: a 3-stage planetary geartrain; a Gen II Motor; a new contactor design that requires less current draw and improves reliability; and an automatic load-holding brake for effective winch operation and positive operator feedback.

R;_(ze9^#h?*KT0 拓松汽车户外网 -@5m"]nL

The PowerPlant is available in two configurations: 9,500 lb. high performance (HP) for enthusiasts who demand faster line speed, and 12,000 lb. high duty (HD) for longer motor duty cycles.拓松汽车户外网 -QW["`&wL0u$Dz

拓松汽车户外网 -Y;TTzqk7B6p

The unit comes with an air hose and fittings for quick use right out of the box. Additional air compressor accessories are available to increase the capabilities of the PowerPlant.拓松汽车户外网 -2V6RV {X lA9?!~P

(E1mjbX1cqE[C*j]*L0The new WARN PowerPlant ? a winning combination of technology, performance and durability.

Z"W _WyG%`0 拓松汽车户外网 -Z.o/s7pZ

PowerPlant Dual Force HP拓松汽车户外网 -9m6^O4o5~6|F`#M

6|ex9r9B(u0Air flow rating: 12 cfm at 0 psi; 5 cfm at 90 psi拓松汽车户外网 -UG$I"a8QQ

E1f'P:j+I0Max air pressure: 100 psi拓松汽车户外网 -XVg;so/B)g(]F

y,u?_$q"Z0Rated Pull: 9,500 lbs. (single line)拓松汽车户外网 -5?~0Z5iZ&vm$i

a['\ t/Ma8B5u0Motor: Series wound 4.6 hp 12V

~ Z4|!aL rz0 拓松汽车户外网 - P1v M|5~mz*Jj%u

Clutch: Sliding ring gear拓松汽车户外网 -G'VrGvH*~

@"`"y\3g{zu+W0Weight: 100 lbs.拓松汽车户外网 -Bi }8t#X,\U

拓松汽车户外网 -;eu`9S$N

Wire Rope: 125′ of 5/16″

icn!I)@t4F'l d%[0

%R"Z(BTj0Fairlead: Roller

dh T2r X~.|Pm0

MOj+g:u6p*~)E+q0Line Speed: 26.9 fpm (no load)

#L-f+R/O*uw rx0 拓松汽车户外网 -&|6v{U0}3Q

5.2 fpm (9,500 lbs)

8\(m]^aJ ^0 拓松汽车户外网 - ux'P~]C$Sv;A6M

PowerPlant Dual Force HD拓松汽车户外网 -4n]:l @X4nv _

.vI0RL4i5n {0Air flow rating: 12 cfm at 0 psi; 5 cfm at 90 psi拓松汽车户外网 -4oSHkC cK

拓松汽车户外网 -2~ RKIM(h

Max air pressure: 100 psi

x z|'g z'Fq Z0

X0p&W1UUpu0Rated Pull: 12,000 lbs. (single line)

2m G^(\+Vi(H a0

}Z-v'_ h:cC0Motor: Series wound 4.6 hp 12V


D p-kGy%x0Clutch: Sliding ring gear

t2xu-K [6~0

8iH!EwD&UT%_,WM0Weight: 100 lbs.拓松汽车户外网 -:Fxb2^|#L g;Z ZD

/tXZ^~)G9|,Y~8N0Wire Rope: 80′ of 3/8″拓松汽车户外网 -V9`+?&K/_[@

uA,v/e"U*S0Fairlead: Roller

5vX7^S4}:cA0 拓松汽车户外网 -.q?`LP|2r!V

Line Speed: 16.2 fpm (no load)

%@B+i+l'sy0 拓松汽车户外网 -;~Jw5oA

4.2 fpm. (12,000 lbs.)拓松汽车户外网 -?H.YZ3e2\,e.j

拓松汽车户外网 - V%L)xF7x[uU

About Warn Industries拓松汽车户外网 -Y^n2s~ c*V5i-s.}w

拓松汽车户外网 -_p8w(Jca$^ ?

Warn Industries is the world’s most recognized brand in off-road products such as hub locks and vehicle recovery winches. The company designs, manufactures and markets a full line of off-road equipment and accessories that enhance the performance of four-wheel-drive and powersport vehicles. Warn Industries employs more than 600 people in and around Portland, Ore., Livonia,Mich., the Netherlands and Saltillo, Mexico.

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消防救援绞盘 - Fire & Rescue Winches