K8000越野电动绞盘 G9000越野电动绞盘 N12000专业电动绞盘 N15000工业电动绞盘 H12000工业液压绞盘 H15000工业液压绞盘 K5000P便携式电动绞盘
K8000 越野绞盘 G9000 4WD绞盘 N12000 专业绞盘 N15000 救援绞盘 H12000 工业绞盘 H15000 工业绞盘 K5000P 便携式绞盘


热度584票 时间:2011年5月06日 19:32


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x4h\L DOR0双动力武力车载

R6}bc'Y Nv,yv}7G0

#GV:p g d8\L#u0多用途高性能工具拓松汽车户外网 -A.z;lDms

?y%_F$P Z_+g0为您提供压缩空气和拉动力量-在同一个单位

/y;ZZ(E#Lp[ W%aN0 拓松汽车户外网 -,p2Sy q-K ]l~

Clackamas ,或( 9/13/06 ) -警告产业已被认为是世界领先的绞车技术。当我们的顾客告诉我们,他们想要一个多功能的工具,可提供一个高性能和强大的董事会空气压缩机和一个传奇警告®绞车,我们倾听。拓松汽车户外网 -.m+Yu I*{?y Yn%Ug7Lu

拓松汽车户外网 -%QENOc_9d8|

对此,我们设计了国家最先进的空气压缩机,并联合它与我们的传奇绞车工程能力,以创建一个新的,多才多艺,自我控制,车载单位给你的最终多为您的工具卡车或SUV的!拓松汽车户外网 -I.| BL$\ j

拓松汽车户外网 -NmmlQH?Dv2c

引入了新的警告动力" -一个正在申请专利的多用途工具,功能的能力,既是一种优质空气压缩机和一个顶级的在线绞车。这是最终的性能和功能。拓松汽车户外网 -j-c"NJk \&jh _

拓松汽车户外网 -j A%s?U8o"fr

汤姆贾科米尼总统警告工业公司说, “警告始终是与四轮驱动社会发展的产品,以满足发烧友和商人。该产品是在与最终用户和一组选定的顶端警告工程师。其结果是一个板上,车载式空气压缩机的绞车。该电站是一个patentpending ,世界一流的多功能工具,以满足不同的需求。我们非常兴奋,使这个产品为我们的客户,并根据从我们的初步反应,我们希望这是一个巨大的成功的行业。 “

2NZ4_%h:oy#[\0 拓松汽车户外网 - F;M]%A)E B MtrP

在空气压缩机模式,电厂是一个强大的,综合的制度执行和超越其他空气压缩机,由于业界领先的功能,如大规模的4.6马力的电动机; 一个内置的中间,以减少空气温度;和高气流评级公司CFM 12时0磅,5 公司CFM 90磅。该单位还高,低压开关调节的高效率运作,并热传感器来监测发动机的温度,并最大限度地电机寿命。

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R@m$Wim]1C0当呼吁作为一个绞车,动力答案的功能您期望从一个警告产品: 3级行星geartrain一个根第二汽车;一个新的接触器的设计,需要较少的电流消耗,提高可靠性;和自动负载持有有效的制动绞车运行和积极的运营商的反馈意见。

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该电站有两种配置: 9500磅高性能(惠普)的爱好者的需求谁的速度快线和12000磅的高关税( HD )的长期运动的占空比。拓松汽车户外网 -] X_aiHLP2]

拓松汽车户外网 -G_a5IMA

该单位配备了一个空气软管和配件快速使用权的方块。附加空气压缩机配件,可用以提高能力的动力。拓松汽车户外网 -qhD#~2Qw:Bo$k.O

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;e8Q;E[1i#ahX l0拓松汽车户外网 -#X3yd1K R!}Gg2X!I@

n$@.|u*EP!^0双动力武力惠普(PowerPlant Dual Force HP)拓松汽车户外网 -/l W(rS*_[/d

s S fZ6MP~p0气流评价: 12个公司CFM 0磅, 5公司CFM 90磅拓松汽车户外网 -:P'Rf,f8R zfi

_[)e'\cjV,QQ0最高空气压力: 100磅

u+OrKn p+uEC0

hZ*j(Qoz8o#](y0额定拉力: 9500磅。 (单线)拓松汽车户外网 -Uq`[f(}1eM0H


,u$|~$g^KT0 拓松汽车户外网 - ?9~1u'Z]o,J i

离合器:滑动齿圈拓松汽车户外网 -%d;FKgq[E*UR,R

8I'@$y8oQ7^#XZs0体重: 100磅。

w(j%S#d5y1R Ox0

)g]+F wu&n x0钢丝绳: 125 ' 5 / 16 “

e9}A e)QIYq6|+i0 拓松汽车户外网 -/J)L`)|%^+]3mpd

Fairlead :轧辊

2fBSN#E\ b0 拓松汽车户外网 -/v:AAbKo Z

线速度: 26.9 fpm (空载)拓松汽车户外网 -K(Bn{h)m*bP

拓松汽车户外网 -pAhR,i'DGz ?0[

5.2 fpm ( 9,500磅)

9r ~D?+A%J1Zs0

B{.l K2Y0双动力武力高清(PowerPlant Dual Force HD)拓松汽车户外网 -.]nrG;UH%Yz'eA

拓松汽车户外网 -Y'P+OK7g&V(\8\N

气流评价: 12个公司CFM 0磅, 5公司CFM 90磅拓松汽车户外网 - h`pj'| G8y

v:@C]a*|A;\0最高空气压力: 100磅拓松汽车户外网 -:E,S2`K*Z eJmM

拓松汽车户外网 -8Ty K3p2Ib h&]o_D

额定拉力:一点二?万磅。 (单线)

8{#^ R6H y0

7t9{4oE7PGfXy0汽车:期刊创面4.6马力的12V的拓松汽车户外网 -7k)w9[2fbq


UUM;p1v Oi(pO0

z;P]$M } ar3Y0体重: 100磅。拓松汽车户外网 -*~,[8y%xYhI

拓松汽车户外网 -1a ? OlMb3A8MC,L

钢丝绳: 80 '的3 / 8 “拓松汽车户外网 -%\rn4H6bkIvbc|D*Z%W

|-u5te5bj6iQ/g J0Fairlead :轧辊

0@L V-kE4w5vb0

9sYT#T/y\KI"T-RB0线速度: 16.2 fpm (空载)


}x$s%_d fAyp04.2 fpm 。 ( 12,000磅。 )拓松汽车户外网 -}(p:FO%hP/r)k

\*xuZP@%V0注:PowerPlant Dual Force系列有两个产品,HP和HD,两款产品使用了同一个设计,包括电机参数和气泵参数,不过由于定位的拉?不同,HD使用了更粗的钢缆提供更大的拉力,但同时只获得相对较慢的回绳速度。拓松汽车户外网 -)_kF6Y[5p2L

拓松汽车户外网 -J$G R(r%~*{l3F0EXN


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警告产业是世界上最知名的品牌在越野车产品,如枢纽船闸和车辆回收绞车。该公司设计,制造和销售的全系列越野设备和配件,提高性能的四轮驱动和powersport车辆。警告产业,员工超过600人及周围俄勒冈州波特兰市,密歇根州利沃尼亚市,荷兰和萨尔蒂约,墨西哥。拓松汽车户外网 -4|R[%f*{

/W-~Y%f#x%Nt}4f3P0注:本文由translate.google自动翻译提供,不保证其一致性,更准确信息,请参考原文。拓松汽车户外网 -9d,n4? Nuo3@u8Q-}

v+K)[9q/s_0Press Release拓松汽车户外网 -H3L;d |b\

!|?h#C9zs XawN0CONTACT:拓松汽车户外网 -qs`O$\u*^q1_

拓松汽车户外网 -3P(k| y+B%dy3Q

Andy Lilienthal拓松汽车户外网 - d%I4{*G7~ k@9l

"{;f{$H-FS,d4g'u0Warn Industries, Inc.拓松汽车户外网 -V9tDPz?

"N3{!le6w!gMa0(503) 786-4424拓松汽车户外网 -|(O.Zd}"V~

{!K"i"p8@$d'pk c0lilienthala@warn.com拓松汽车户外网 -~:?*e8A$t/|a

拓松汽车户外网 -v]Xo$_s D\G

PowerPlant Dual Force Vehicle-Mounted

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Multi-Purpose Performance Tool拓松汽车户外网 - Z9Gb^:@

拓松汽车户外网 -0Q(GEZ,r

Gives you compressed air and pulling power ? all in one unit拓松汽车户外网 -"LrR6yD!KiA(mQ-Y

+}5w4F'~;c9J(I K0Clackamas, OR (9/13/06) - Warn Industries has been acknowledged as the world leader in winch technology. When our customers told us they wanted a versatile tool that could provide a highperformance and robust on-board air compressor and a legendary WARN® winch, we listened.拓松汽车户外网 -?;D2A8C#\_#g!t

6rd"R3kwpBL3I![b D0In response, we have designed a state-of-the-art air compressor and combined it with our legendary winch engineering capability to create a new and versatile, self-contained, vehicle-mounted unit to give you the ultimate multi-tool for your truck or SUV!拓松汽车户外网 -#|uP9V[0b5g7Qo

)a n F-KZDE0Introducing the new WARN PowerPlant" ? a patent-pending multi-purpose tool that features the capabilities of both a premium air compressor and a top-of-the line winch. It’s the ultimate combination of performance and function.

7D.K+e~ L/q@ _'fh0

.l6^4Lz i vz_ y0Tom Giacomini, President of Warn Industries, Inc. said, “WARN is always working with the four-wheel drive community to develop products to meet the needs of the enthusiast and the tradesman. This product was developed in conjunction with end users and a select group of top WARN engineers. The result is an on-board, vehicle-mounted air compressor with a winch. The PowerPlant is a patentpending, world-class multi-function tool to meet a variety of needs. We are extremely excited to bring this product to our customers, and based off of our initial response, we expect this to be a huge success in the industry.”拓松汽车户外网 -E%j!tj(~3l

K]/\g9eb/ig0In air compressor mode, PowerPlant is a robust, integrated system that performs above and beyond other air compressors, thanks to industry-leading features such as a massive 4.6 horsepower motor;a built-in intercooler to reduce air temperature; and a high airflow rating of 12 cfm at 0 psi, and 5 cfm at 90 psi. The unit also has high and low pressure regulating switches for efficient operation, and a thermal sensor to monitor motor temperature and to maximize motor life.拓松汽车户外网 -g5gR|sBs [ yo ]T

拓松汽车户外网 -`3r+v'J,I M Y

When called upon as a winch, PowerPlant answers with the features you would expect from a WARN product: a 3-stage planetary geartrain; a Gen II Motor; a new contactor design that requires less current draw and improves reliability; and an automatic load-holding brake for effective winch operation and positive operator feedback.拓松汽车户外网 -G'^x7^:N s*q#@[9p/zi

拓松汽车户外网 -[[1g/~ z Gg

The PowerPlant is available in two configurations: 9,500 lb. high performance (HP) for enthusiasts who demand faster line speed, and 12,000 lb. high duty (HD) for longer motor duty cycles.

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The unit comes with an air hose and fittings for quick use right out of the box. Additional air compressor accessories are available to increase the capabilities of the PowerPlant.拓松汽车户外网 -t z'}.j6h1Ho.M

k W,i _cxrX0The new WARN PowerPlant ? a winning combination of technology, performance and durability.

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PowerPlant Dual Force HP

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Air flow rating: 12 cfm at 0 psi; 5 cfm at 90 psi

SZ+At j#E3K0 拓松汽车户外网 -6ad{!x/F

Max air pressure: 100 psi

V6qR/e'os| Q0 拓松汽车户外网 -e @ V(l7^:z4~$c-QV

Rated Pull: 9,500 lbs. (single line)

V/S Yx,A+}Pz"g0

gg!Q"mI0Motor: Series wound 4.6 hp 12V


0y'\eQ%E GK:h0Clutch: Sliding ring gear拓松汽车户外网 -"o x` Z~'jCAeB

(Gbn6z:p%o7dl0Weight: 100 lbs.拓松汽车户外网 -9sr$yZAG

拓松汽车户外网 - w#{O{B2kq0{fsF

Wire Rope: 125′ of 5/16″


W&`z+d,Q,_j`0Fairlead: Roller拓松汽车户外网 -5}-m0vM BRR;x UQf

o wEG I3Ou#Dh_0Line Speed: 26.9 fpm (no load)拓松汽车户外网 -r&U%wY+Kb2b(kn

,O w!X~Jn"JWJ05.2 fpm (9,500 lbs)拓松汽车户外网 -N%V/K3b6PW

\"E:V;C%W+Xm0PowerPlant Dual Force HD拓松汽车户外网 -} H:? f L _K;e7Mj

6eU7@*]l0a*uN"`0Air flow rating: 12 cfm at 0 psi; 5 cfm at 90 psi

A,^f5eh)V(V b?G0 拓松汽车户外网 -ovg#VB:{ C+[K

Max air pressure: 100 psi


^/^;[.N$eX I}QY0Rated Pull: 12,000 lbs. (single line)

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Motor: Series wound 4.6 hp 12V

1oR8] R)q_2w0

hO*]rpJg0Clutch: Sliding ring gear拓松汽车户外网 -#yr7v3aUX+D

拓松汽车户外网 -.W%Z0Ha8?#`p&BF

Weight: 100 lbs.

e8S!~?3Lo0 拓松汽车户外网 -m@ X4yrcG(W

Wire Rope: 80′ of 3/8″拓松汽车户外网 --` Uf8Z&RNc:g@7TN

拓松汽车户外网 -{(Fh `1`Y)S

Fairlead: Roller拓松汽车户外网 -%{8x5a$mI,j%hYo?

拓松汽车户外网 -v&w.R]*^$~*et2~

Line Speed: 16.2 fpm (no load)

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4.2 fpm. (12,000 lbs.)

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About Warn Industries

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Warn Industries is the world’s most recognized brand in off-road products such as hub locks and vehicle recovery winches. The company designs, manufactures and markets a full line of off-road equipment and accessories that enhance the performance of four-wheel-drive and powersport vehicles. Warn Industries employs more than 600 people in and around Portland, Ore., Livonia,Mich., the Netherlands and Saltillo, Mexico.

-x X iP9E u#ym;`'\*\&aE0
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消防救援绞盘 - Fire & Rescue Winches