2006 Kawasaki Bayou 250 - ATV
The 2006 Kawasaki Bayou 250 ATV is great for Ranchers, farmers and outdoor enthusiasts who need a simple, affordable ATV that also rugged and trustworthy at the same time. The Kawasaki Bayou 250 features an Air-cooled, four-stroke, single cylinder engine, five-speed transmission and is an overal great value. It's also the only ATV in its class with semi-independent rear suspension. The Bayou 250 ATV has the following specifications: Overall length: 70.1 in., Overall width: 40.2 in., Wheelbase: 43.9 in., Towing capacity: 450 lbs., Fuel capacity: 2.6 gal., and a Dry weight of 404 lbs. Pick from the available colors like Hunter Green and Aztec Red. Hear this engine roar for a price of $2,999. Kawasaki.
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2006年川崎市河口250亚视是大农场主,农民和户外爱好者谁需要一个简单的,负担得起的亚视也凹凸不平的和可信赖的,在同一时间举行。川崎市河口250的特点是风冷,四冲程,单缸柴油机调速器, 5高速传输和是一个overal具有极大的价值。它也是唯一的亚视在它的阶级与半独立后悬架。该河口250亚视有以下规格:总长度:七十○点一英寸,整体宽度:四十零点二英寸,轴距: 43.9英寸,牵引能力: 450磅,燃料容量: 2.6半乳糖,和干重四○四磅。选择从可用的颜色一样,猎人绿色和阿兹台克红。听到这个引擎的轰鸣声,为的价格二九九九美元。川崎。