Kawasaki Brute Force 650 4x4 ATV
The Kawasaki Brute Force 650 4x4 ATV runs on a powerful 633ccFour-stroke engine, liquid-cooled v-twin, and insures a comfortable ride with front and rear independent suspension. The Kawasaki Brute Force 650 4x4 ATV brings unique features to the table like KAPS Automatic Transmission, Kawasaki Engine Break Control, an exclusive variable Limited-slip Front Differential, and a sealed Rear Brake System. Some new changes include using aluminum instead of steel to replace the exhaust pipe covers, and the muffler cover which makes for a lighter weight. The 2006 Brute Force 650 MSRP is $7,099. Kawasaki Motors Corp.
川崎市野蛮武力650 4x4亚视运行于一个强大的633ccfour冲程发动机,液体冷却的V型双,保险和舒适的乘坐与前方和后方,独立悬架。川崎市野蛮武力650 4x4亚视带来了独特的功能,以表一样, kaps自动变速器,川崎引擎,打破控制,独家变量有限滑前线差别,和一个密封的后制动系统。一些新的变化,包括使用铝而不是钢,以取代排气管的封面,和消声器的封面,使一个重量更轻。 2006年蛮力650建议零售价是七千零九十九美元。川崎汽车公司