K8000越野电动绞盘 G9000越野电动绞盘 N12000专业电动绞盘 N15000工业电动绞盘 H12000工业液压绞盘 H15000工业液压绞盘 K5000P便携式电动绞盘
K8000 越野绞盘 G9000 4WD绞盘 N12000 专业绞盘 N15000 救援绞盘 H12000 工业绞盘 H15000 工业绞盘 K5000P 便携式绞盘


热度485票  浏览28次 时间:2011年5月06日 19:32

"dR @+GNC[02008年中国雨林赛赛事规则拓松汽车户外网 -g}gp1MTp;V

拓松汽车户外网 -NlIkvCb#]W

Rules and Regulation of RFC China 2008拓松汽车户外网 -i6^!mGE^W|4S}

Nj1AB/{8x@s p0Version History拓松汽车户外网 -#v-?7H7L`I]

拓松汽车户外网 -1g:I @i1?^


Wfy+Y6d4Ad0 拓松汽车户外网 -)]t7C/N-o;lE2S!Z

1. Event Format and Regulating Body/赛事规格和相关规定 ...................................................... 3


2m"TuH]:Y02. Vehicle Class and Scrutineering/车辆分组和车检 ................................................................... 3

&n C&B,HIs;a)@#a0

Gm#FJ.rDK O03. Compulsory Equipment/必须的装备 ....................................................................................... 4拓松汽车户外网 -W:g1fU/G(I9L;F

拓松汽车户外网 -'U9ayE8wxY:W O

4. Radio Equipment/对讲机 ......................................................................................................... 5

Y.tvNq%y0 拓松汽车户外网 -*ISU MnOd

5. Vehicle Specifications(车辆要求).............................................................................................. 5

V#q e7k _ Un)d4Gb/Z\0 拓松汽车户外网 -]dpE,Po"o7Y+W

6. General Rules/赛事规则 ........................................................................................................... 7拓松汽车户外网 - ZEC p E:q1Q2D

拓松汽车户外网 --}S Z1z`uM

7. Environment/环境保护 ............................................................................................................ 8


'WSd\7}WE0~%J08. Advertising/广告 ....................................................................................................................... 8

X/`(BB]dB$kag0 拓松汽车户外网 -%?'Fzf~

9. Regulations for Special Stages (SS)/特殊赛道的比赛规定 ...................................................... 9拓松汽车户外网 -2M!X+|2v3\^3w

P%c v}`r3r$B8tg010. Special Stage Penalties/SS的罚分规定 .............................................................................. 10

E$t GhB A8cB0

r)qMT^qyfM%Lo-F011. Scoring/记分方法 ............................................................................................................... 12拓松汽车户外网 -"Edy8p |;h'g8l1N

zF9r*y{ {/L,Q012. Protest/投诉 ....................................................................................................................... 13拓松汽车户外网 -5wBP c!`4n;~Y%z~+B

@NN~Tp#X013. Prohibited Behavior//绝对禁止的行为 .............................................................................. 13拓松汽车户外网 - U"z"DgD

拓松汽车户外网 - ns;^3Jg%d*r d

14. Breakdown Assistance/车辆损坏援助 ............................................................................... 14

"a#GK ^pX&BH)Q0 拓松汽车户外网 -rY3kz4h*C-Q"~!`AS

15. Sportsmanship/体育精神 ................................................................................................... 14

6?%T1qc;l'rmC0 拓松汽车户外网 -!bC-D(^Z

16. Rights of Organizer/组委会的权利 ..................................................................................... 14

ut1`+Xj&ff-B0 拓松汽车户外网 -qT;Sl(i,o{8C

17. Indemnity/赔偿 ................................................................................................................... 15

[gCQ7c i0 拓松汽车户外网 -W2y}(~jne

1. Event Format and Regulating Body/赛事规格和相关规定

"b-l2T,~M0_w0 拓松汽车户外网 - a3cW;Ygm"x

1.1. The Rainforest Challenge of China is an event of the nature, it is exempted from the normal regulations for motor sport. It is an event designed to bring four wheel drive enthusiasts together from around the country, with the ultimate aim of successfully completing an off-road adventure, competition and expedition event over 5 days in China. Special Stages are included to test drivers to their limits in extreme off-road conditions.(中国雨林挑战赛是一个在自然环境中的比赛,其规则设定和别的汽车比赛都不同。赛事的目的是让全国的四驱运动爱好者聚集在一起,在5天的时间内共同去体验自然和探险。其间的特殊赛道是给车手挑战他们的极限)

Dke @s0 拓松汽车户外网 -P9[idF

1.2. The Special Stages (SS) results will determine the overall champions, 2nd place and 3rd place, 1st Runners up and 2nd Runners up in each class. Scoring will be a combination of elapsed time, less any penalties incurred by teams, as specified, in the competition rules.(特殊赛段的分数将决定总冠军、亚军、季军和各个组的冠军和亚军。分数将由赛段的耗时积分,扣除相应的罚分后来计算。至于罚分的方法,请参看比赛规则)

`Wf!^ k[m;Zx0

4Pm \a5NR8i01.3. SS will be varied, with a major emphasis on safety. The competition sections will be designed to test 4 wheel driving and recovery skills first and foremost. (各个特殊赛道都在确保车手安全的前提下来进行设计的,有各种类型,目的是用来测试四驱驾驶能力和自救能力)拓松汽车户外网 -n/D*p3o:cVjS"v+A

;Tsy;r9~`-}M?9S0vd01.4. Other awards will be judged by the competition committee.(赛事其他的一些奖项,由组委会来裁决决定)

/Ky9s#eC6Y)V|"}I0 拓松汽车户外网 -T3H&Fm;D1[;{1g-}

1.5. The authority on running the event will be the RFC Event committee selected by the Event Director. Event Committee will be headed by the Event Director. Members will include Competition Manager, Convoy Manager, Chief Scrutineer, Chief Marshal, Press Liaison Manager and others appointed by the Event Director.(赛事的具体执行人员由组委会决定,包括赛事主管、检车官、车队行进负责人、裁判长、媒体联络人等)拓松汽车户外网 -)~tYQ n_-Qds:i

|Y Z G#o6@02. Vehicle Class and Scrutineering/车辆分组和车检


N%^-B oI%yl8~U02.1. Classes车辆分组拓松汽车户外网 -1qIrca.P }By

拓松汽车户外网 -x.@,]%Z;| Q-QI

Up to 2500cc (Petrol)/2.5升(含)以下汽油组 Up to 2500cc (Diesel)/2.5升(含)以下柴油组 Above 2500cc/2.5升以上组

m0fH4s fnk0 拓松汽车户外网 -\-|rW#p2W{

2.2. Vehicles and all equipment are required to be available for inspection (Scrutineering) at least 2 days prior to the start. A team representative must be present during these checks.(车辆和所有的装备至少在比赛前两天要准备好。车检时,车手必须在场。)

A+e9j$? r0nu0

?6gn'v*r\1}*Hl02.3. Vehicle must be presented in a ready to start condition including all compulsory equipment, Drivers License's, Insurance Papers, Registration Papers and any others, if required.(各种必须的装备、驾照、保险单、行车证等有效证件都必须随车携带)

x5@8? e+CS4CM+S0

In!PzaK02.4. Vehicles that fail the inspection process will render the entrant liable for exclusion. A second and final inspection at a later time may be carried out. Vehicles must pass the second process, or they may be excluded from starting the event.(不能通过车检的车辆,限时整改,可以重新参加车检,如果在检车时限结束时,仍然无法通过车检,将禁止参赛)

6I*~ C2E/z%j0 拓松汽车户外网 -i|l[`dYI"v!^

3. Compulsory Equipment/必须的装备拓松汽车户外网 -?4t QJ4d

拓松汽车户外网 -4y iD&[Aeg8d

All equipment must be mounted securely in the cars.所有的装备在车内都必须固定摆放。


(Q5Wd-OP6o N*\'@E`03.1. Vehicles shall carry one 1.8kg or two 0.9kg operable dry powder fire extinguishers, mounted securely, within easy reach of the driver and co-driver.(车辆必须安装1个1.8公斤或者2个0.9公斤的还在有效期内的干粉灭火器,必须固定好,便于车手和副驾取用。_

8c0b Hq0@*O$[P+iz0

&Z/TQeixDW c03.2. Hi lift jack and spare wheel assembly.(高位千斤顶和备胎)拓松汽车户外网 -jN'Ei2{ HS

V5F9E}`#z |$G03.3. Recovery Kit(绞盘工具包)拓松汽车户外网 -I{M/b v

$Iir3m \s|W08000kg tree trunk protector(承载8吨的抱树带) Snatch block(滑轮) 2 pair finger enclosed leather or material gloves(2双包住全部手指头的手套) All shackles to be rated at 3.25t or better(所有的D型扣的承载不能低于3.25吨) 1kg (dry weight) cable dampeners (500mm x 900mm recommend size)(干燥状态重量不低于1公斤的缆帆) Winch extension(绞盘钢缆延长缆)

1R4r3w3wH3Z4v0 拓松汽车户外网 -ODe&AH@(D#k

3.4. A comprehensive ‘First Aid Kit’.(医用急救包,包含纱布等)

l`&O Y%yGV;K3_)u0

4p)q&|7@w03.5. Shovel or hoe with fixed handle.(建议携带土木工具,不做检车要求)

$u[*V [$r#~ l K,W0

Uk/im(B03.6. Waffle boards or Sand ladders.(建议携带防滑板,不做检车要求)拓松汽车户外网 -v4P(g4rO3wL}

拓松汽车户外网 -}rC@'l+i

3.7. Comprehensive tool kit to effect running repairs for the duration of the event.(修理工具)拓松汽车户外网 - l|W!Z u

q,~V f%u6u03.8. Spare parts etc: fan belts, radiator hoses, oil, wheel bearings and filters.(建议携带些备件,如风扇皮带,水箱管子,机油等。不做检车要求)拓松汽车户外网 -1D)x9ktaiW

拓松汽车户外网 -#Zb:X7[s;x

3.9. Camp equipment: like stretcher, food, water, cooking equipment and rain cover/tarp and/or tents.(建议携带宿营装备,如行军床,食物,水,餐具,防雨布,帐篷等。不做检车要求)


}*m;? S:z[t rO03.10. Spare winch cable/plasma rope, winch motor, solenoids to suit front winch.(建议携带备用的绞盘缆绳,电机等。不做检车要求)拓松汽车户外网 -3mz"\r*b2g](@

拓松汽车户外网 -um:?d|Q b

4. Radio Equipment/对讲机拓松汽车户外网 -]T c/_:ku

拓松汽车户外网 -:y0K0sx4`E3~%Wxi

4.1. It is recommended that competition vehicles be fitted with a UHF (463.3 MHz) radio.(推荐所有的赛车都携带UHF频段的对讲机,组委会的工作频率463.3MHz)拓松汽车户外网 -(|g^x;?&V(k

拓松汽车户外网 -7V{?Mm#h|

5. Vehicle Specifications(车辆要求)拓松汽车户外网 -6c`XtCuk

r$n^d h05.1. Body/Chassis (车身和车架)拓松汽车户外网 -AQ5] KRh{|6b2X:rp1D q

拓松汽车户外网 - S0z8r_{3x2{c(X

5.1.1. Seat belt will be fitted for all occupants. The seat belts must not be frayed, torn or damaged in any way.(车手和副驾的座位都必须安装有安全带,安全带不能有磨损和断裂)

4@'C7~1T~%GZ2t*f8bCj0 拓松汽车户外网 - `_^,MhV {1n Z0P

5.1.2. A recovery point (painted red) is required for both the front and rear of the vehicle. Minimum load of the recovery point 3T.(车辆前后都必须至少有一个红色的救援支点/拖车钩,救援支点能够承受的最小拉力是3吨)拓松汽车户外网 -mk w-q;R;O N`

拓松汽车户外网 -L9Q$g0TY&e/VlNM

5.1.3. Items carried in the vehicle must be secured adequately while the vehicle is in motion.(车辆行进过程中,车上所有携带物品都必须固定好)拓松汽车户外网 -#V1PN]d V!iq8lU

拓松汽车户外网 -:[9H_*_C#A X

5.1.4. Soft top or topless vehicles shall be fitted with the antiroll bar.(软顶或者敞篷车,必须安装防滚架)

T t6\a1^{!T0R0 拓松汽车户外网 -H5z#rM"pkY

5.1.5. Doors must be fitted to both the driver and co driver side. It must be secured in such a way that it can be removed/open at any time from both inside and outside the vehicle with the door closed. Half doors are to be at least 150mm above the highest part of seat swab. (驾驶员和副驾边上都必须有车门,车门关闭后,要能够保证任何情况下都能从车内或者车外打开门。如果是半截门,车门上沿比座位高出不少于15公分。)拓松汽车户外网 -*LV[I&|B L$O

K@q9? `05.2. Fuel ? Air Systems/Engines 燃料-进气/发动机

B'F0O9oB"UxJ(b0 拓松汽车户外网 -|#` ha9HO7A8O

5.2.1. All vehicles recommended be fitted with an air intake snorkel and carry supplementary fuel storage of 20 liters over and above normal capacity either in jerry cans or additional vehicle mounted fuel tanks. Jerry cans or fuel storage containers are not allowed to be stored on roof of vehicle. All fuel storage must be metal or an approved plastic container for cartage of fuel.(建议所有车辆安装涉水器并携带不小于20升的备用油桶,油桶必须固定好,必须使用金属的或者专用材料的备用油桶。)


\E lH PeF05.2.2. The Chief Scrutineer/Competition Committee reserve the right to reject any fuel tank or fuel storage container that is deemed to be unsafe.(车检官和组委会有拒绝车手携带他们认为不安全的备用油桶/容器的权利)拓松汽车户外网 -D:H?-Q&E'Oh? ] k

拓松汽车户外网 - HJs-p o:TN y a

5.2.3. Any engine make or size can be used provided that it is legal and roadworthy fitment in China.(车手可以使用中国道路交通法允许在道路上使用的任何发动机)拓松汽车户外网 -5Kq/F:k`1y

拓松汽车户外网 -2]*L5ip)x

5.3. Wheels and Tyres/轮圈和轮胎

/\Tj Y!D[0 拓松汽车户外网 -$]-G!{D&~-ieU

5.3.1. Tyre and wheel combinations:车轮拓松汽车户外网 -,F3n+z%eCTT5j4y

拓松汽车户外网 -4Mf7Vj,ns0E

Wheel and tyre combinations can protrude past the vehicle body but such protrusions must be covered by flare material.(车轮可以伸出车体,但是伸出的部分都要有轮眉覆盖)

~%V3D,RC dwF+l0

YG u"^Ce8`H&v"Fq$b05.3.2. Agricultural tyres and wheel chains of any type are prohibited.(不允许使用农用机械轮胎和履带)拓松汽车户外网 -0r2l4c+rN]/g

拓松汽车户外网 -jnh vg*t#M I[

5.3.3. Mud flaps to be fitted to rear.(后轮必须装有挡泥板)


eg\ v+t!c2|05.4. Electrical System(电气系统)拓松汽车户外网 -/oFpGj3y

NzGo f#E!fb5s05.4.1. A mechanical battery isolation switch is recommended to be fitted to the battery or batteries providing power to the competing vehicles electrics, this is to be placed within reach of driver and co-driver whilst secured in vehicle. (建议安装电瓶断电开关,安装在车手与副驾都能够操作的位置).拓松汽车户外网 -G'qXX"?

拓松汽车户外网 -bsKaB!ExC4?

5.4.2. External power sources/invertors are not allowed.(不允许使用外接电源给车辆供电)拓松汽车户外网 -tG.m2[/E6Lh+BS#o\

p j&o C6K;H05.4.3. A dual battery system is required for vehicles fitted an electric winch.(如果使用电绞盘,建议安装双电瓶系统)


@W?U*O:q?05.4.4. Two (2) forward mounted spot lights.(车辆前部必须有2个大灯)

CQ:V YPGr0 拓松汽车户外网 -,W2t8Hh;Z5bm

5.4.5. Vehicle to have operable : lights, indicators and horn.(车辆的所有灯光,喇叭都要能够正常使用)拓松汽车户外网 -]T `+F$n

拓松汽车户外网 -M5xZQz(Cc

5.5. Winch(绞盘)

1s6qr w9g9A0

1@v/Pj-|.bk!x05.5.1. Vehicle will be fitted with a front or rear winch recovery winch, minimum 8000lb.(至少在车辆的前部或者后部安装一个绞盘,拉力至少8000磅。)

@{ HM,PR0 拓松汽车户外网 -Yv;[ W;zh

5.5.2. Winches shall be fitted with an operational brake.(绞盘必须安装刹车,刹车必须有效)拓松汽车户外网 -&c;oNRzrK#g6U&S6~o

R*c0f$x8O v"_3A3Q"S05.5.3. Winch cable must be in serviceable condition.(绞盘缆绳必须能够正常使用)拓松汽车户外网 -.kW(LXAf

T1w'F0UC ds ~ ]4O05.5.4. Winch cable hooks must have a working safety catch. (绞盘缆绳挂钩必须使用安全挂

V|s-Sm)P1M w0 拓松汽车户外网 -5w$B,IX~8q?CE!^Nk



K*t~h6G:Sa J05.5.5. Winch cables shall be of high tensile steel compatible to your winches rating. Mild steel cables, with a hemp center, are not allowed. Synthetic rope (plasma rope) is allowed, but it is the owner’s responsibility that the synthetic rope is rated the same or better than the standard cable used on the vehicles winches.(绞盘缆绳必须使用和绞盘拉力配套的专用绞盘缆绳,可以是金属材质也可以是专用的合成纤维缆绳)

+C!C d:N/s]6kZp0 拓松汽车户外网 -/O0F2gz v cSY

5.5.6. Steel cables will have professionally swaged loops. Synthetic rope will be spliced.(钢缆前端必须有一个专用环形扣,合成纤维的前端必须有加固环型扣)拓松汽车户外网 --A ?q2rz5xy-vvd;?

qTr#po/p05.5.7. Winch cable is allowed to be wrapped at the finish of an SS. The protruding “horns” must not be pointy and be made of material with a minimum diameter of 15mm and have a radius of 50mm, length and distance apart is optional.(在SS结束时,允许将绞盘缆绳收在缆绳支架上,缆绳支架的突出部分不能有尖利部分)拓松汽车户外网 -:J]J)C|;d:I'h_

拓松汽车户外网 -4u7B5S'BH1Ul bi

5.5.8. Cable dampener (blanket) is to be placed in centre third of winch cable at start of winching.(在使用绞盘的时候,必须在缆绳中间1/3的位置放置缆帆)拓松汽车户外网 -x{6F)k3g#o

` h5A'P"k,@M]0j05.5.9. Cable dampener cannot be rolled up but must be hung over the cable.(缆帆不能被卷起,必须保证处于展开状态)

N*r+m&^2D|)eK"zHd{d0 拓松汽车户外网 -a\ h!jx&R"E+];l1x

6. General Rules/赛事规则拓松汽车户外网 -6{%J'od#z;_

拓松汽车户外网 -)yd,H L%B"j"I ?*in

6.1. The event is open to all road registered 4 wheel drive vehicles, providing the vehicle currently or previously has been sold to the general public by the manufacturer.(本赛事允许任何手续齐全的四驱车辆参赛)拓松汽车户外网 -3mfH2V uH-g,Eu6CO

拓松汽车户外网 --[!J;O|Y

6.2. Unusual or extraordinary 4 wheel drive vehicles can be considered for entry. Any vehicle failing to comply with any of the rules and regulations contained in this event guide is required to apply for an exemption in writing to the Event Director, stating the regulations that the vehicle fails to comply with. Each request will be considered on its merit. An exemption will only be granted when the Event Director is satisfied that the vehicle has no unfair advantage over other competing vehicles and no safety aspects have been ignored. Failure to apply for an exemption prior to the vehicle and equipment check may exclude the participant from starting the event.(专门改装的车辆,手续不全的车辆如果需要参赛,需要提前和赛事主管申请,说明车辆手续不全的原因。赛事主管综合车辆手续,改装的安全性等,做出是否接受参赛的决定。如果该车确定了要参赛,请车手使用合法的手段解决从住地到比赛地点的车辆运输问题)

'~ v^ ` r0

7Np-\ x!wR A06.3. SS Manager will be in charge of any recovery operations during special stages by either controlling the recovery personally or by nominating an official as the Recovery Leader. In the interest of safety all competitors must abide by the Recovery Leader’s instructions. Only

Ma-L;G#l8q"k f q0

(Z[U GJ$_c0one Recovery Leader will be nominated for any situation.(每一个SS中,都有由组委会安排专门的救援主管或者由该SS的主管来亲自负责SS的救援工作。出于安全考虑,所有的车手都要服从该救援人员的指导。注意,每一个SS只有一个救援主管。)拓松汽车户外网 -mP:l)x?4z%M(Qyq

拓松汽车户外网 -}_pjz]}[

7. Environment/环境保护

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These rules have been included to ensure we all participate in a world class event that is at the forefront of environment conservation, by abiding with globally accepted environmental practices when traveling through and camping on public land. Penalty points will be imposed on entrants for breach of any environment rules stated herein.(下面的这些条款都是确保我们这个国际级赛事的所有参与者,同时也都是支持环保的先锋。当我们穿越或者宿营的时候,如果有如下的一些行为,将会进行相应的处罚)拓松汽车户外网 -^2SEpv0z

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7.1. Campsites, assembly, holding and work areas, are to be left clean. Take all of your own rubbish, and maybe that of other peoples. Do not bury any rubbish. Each Team is required to carry at least one large garbage bag per day of event.(宿营、集合、等待、工作区域中,离开前清理所有你所在区域的垃圾,全部带走,不能掩埋。每一个车每天要准备至少一个大垃圾袋。每个区域离开前组委会会进行检查,发现一次违规扣除总积分20分。)拓松汽车户外网 -| i P1k6Wj'U8^f

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7.2. Toilets are not available, ensure you dig a hole and bury night soil

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