Kymco Mongoose 250 ATV 2008
Built for the outdoor enthusiast, the aggressively styled, high-performance Kymco Mongoose 250 ATV 2008 is ready to take on adventures big or small. Equipped with smooth, stepless CVT automatic transmission, the Mongoose 250 will allow any rider to navigate the roughest terrain and handle the tightest corners. Featuring a rugged dual A-arm front suspension, linked rear suspension and powerful, water-cooled 249cc engine, this Kymco ATV laughs in the face of danger and rugged trails. Other features include disc brakes, headlight and taillight, and aluminum wheels. Base price of $3,499. Kymco.
建成为户外爱好者,积极的风格,性能高kymco獴250亚视2008年是准备采取对冒险或大或小的。配备顺利,无级变速CVT的自动变速器,獴250将允许任何车手浏览粗糙的地形和处理最严密的角落。具有坚固的双一臂前悬架,后悬架的联系和强大,水冷式249cc引擎,这kymco亚视笑着说,在面对危险和崎岖蜿蜒的小径。其它特点包括盘式制动器,车头灯和尾灯,铝轮毂。基地价格3499美元。 kymco 。