悍马H3的卢比肯小道(Rubicon Trail)穿越之前旅

For 2007, H3 receives a new engine: the Vortec 3.7L I-5 with dual overhead cams and variable valve timing.
在2007年,双顶置凸轮轴和可变气门正时,H3收到了新的发动机:3.7L的Vortec I-5。
This inline five-cylinder engine offers an excellent combination of power and efficiency, delivering 242 horsepower (180 kW) at 5600 rpm* and 242 lb.-ft.
这直列五缸发动机提供的功率和效率的完美结合,提供242马力(180千瓦)在5600转和242磅 - 英尺
of torque (328 Nm) at 4600 rpm.
Unparalleled capability The H3 packs trademark HUMMER capability into a midsize package.
Compared to the H2, the H3 is 16.9 inches (429 mm) shorter in length, 6 inches (152 mm) shorter in height and 6.5 inches (165 mm) narrower.
Roughly the same length as a midsize family sedan, H3 comfortably navigates city traffic and fits nicely in parking garages.
Like all HUMMERS, the H3 delivers exceptional rock crawling and climbing performance.
The H3 was engineered for off-road leadership among midsize SUVs.
The heart of this capability is its electronically controlled four-wheel drive system.
The system features traction control, underbody shielding, an optional rear locking differential and StabiliTrak stability control.
H3 offers two tire packages, a Goodyear 32-inch, all-terrain tire and Bridgestone 33-inch off-road tire, both larger than those found on any other midsize SUV.
Also available is a specific off-road tire for the H3X, an 18-inch 265/65R tire.
Among its off-road credentials, the H3 can ford 16 inches (407 mm) of water at 20 mph or 24-inch (610 mm) streams at a 5-mph pace, climb 16-inch (407 mm) vertical steps and rocks, make its way through deep sand and race easily over sandy surfaces.
H3™s more maneuverable size provides advantages, such as a 37-foot (11.3 m) turning circle, about the same as a typical compact car, making easy work of parking lot maneuvers and tight turns when off-roading.
The 9.1-inch (231 mm) ground clearance and maximum breakover angle of 25 degrees (with 33-inch tires) both make it possible to clear large obstacles in off-road driving.
Serious off-road performance is also aided by the maximum approach angle of 40 degrees and maximum departure angle of 37 degrees.
These approach and departure angles permit the H3 to drive into a hole and back out again, without getting hung up in the front or rear.
The H3 also provides the refinement, comfort and convenience required for enjoyable on-road driving as well.